Pixels in Space
6 min readApr 4, 2022


Fellow pixels,

*Taps the mic*… This thing on?

*Clears a pixel from my throat… Takes a sip of pixel juice*


As we approach this 3-month anniversary since the launch of Pixel Doods, we write to update you on our progress to date, the team, and what’s coming soon™.


Our inaugural collection, Pixel Doods, launched on 14th January 2022 and sold out approximately 12 hours after the minting process started. Our infamous twitter space was in many ways the ideal format to launch the collection as it gave us a chance to meet and get to know our soon-to-be community members.

You’ll remember that Pixel Doods was conceived with a very simple goal in mind: to democratize access to blue-chip projects — Doodles in particular — a collection which our team loves and which of course, inspired the traits & art of our collection.

A brief snippet from our first Medium article.

As we minted out, 5 Doodles (at a floor price of ~11ETH) were purchased and airdropped immediately to Pixel Dood holders selected by Google’s random number generator. You’ll remember we executed these giveaways immediately upon hitting our milestones as it was important to us that we showed you — our holders — speed and transparency in our execution from the outset.

What’s happened since:

By the numbers, we’ve hit some fantastic milestones:

  • Over 100ETH invested in giveaways (5 doodles, 3 alien frens, 3 boss beauties & more)
  • Over 100ETH volume of Pixel Doods have been traded on OpenSea
  • 5ETH largest single sale of a Pixel Dood (1 of 1 Space Dood)
  • 100+ hours of ‘daily dood’ and other officially hosted twitter spaces
  • 4,000+ organic followers on twitter and 4,000+ discord members


  • Official rarity partnership with gem.xyz
  • Official partnership with gmlfg.xyz
  • Dozens of WL collabs secured — some notably returning 10x to our holders since mint

And perhaps most importantly… We started on what’s next.


Before we go any further it’s important to stop here and express our utmost respect and gratitude for you — our community members & holders. Every day you inspire us to keep building, and it’s safe to say we wouldn’t be spurred on to be building above & beyond our initial #noroadmap plans if it weren’t for the incredible friends we’ve made within the community. We hope you love what comes next as much as we’ve loved building it.

The future:

We have already started the development of the next phase of the project: Pixels in Space, an Adventure RPG. Here’s what you need to know.


The potential of the future we’re building begins with our team, which has grown considerably since mint. We are now a well-rounded team of specialists: 2 Strategists / Visionaries and business generalists, 2 Designers (graphic & web), 2 Developers (who are doing something), 1 Community Manager and 4 Moderators.

Our team is expanding!


Speaking frankly, whilst it was incredibly fun to launch a Doodles-inspired project in Pixel Doods, we have questioned whether the stigma of being “just another derivative” is ultimately going to be restrictive to our growth and a barrier to our adoption by the wider NFT community. Bringing Pixel Doods under the banner of the Pixels in Space ecosystem and brand allows us to pivot from our origins without forgetting them.

A glimpse into the future; rebranding our vision


And now for the fun bit. Pixels in Space is an idle Adventure RPG (role-playing game) where you can send your Pixel Doods on missions to earn token rewards.

With these token rewards, you will be able to purchase in-game items, power ups, and most importantly — raffle entries for NFTs held within the in-game shop. This shall form the mechanism for all our giveaways moving forward.

Different missions will have different settings, eventually you will require the use of different power ups and will have different token rewards. With this the game introduces a decision-making mechanic, and although the gameplay is idle, you’ll be challenged to strategize the best approach to each mission to maximize your token earnings.

Our game is launching on April 16th, and we can’t wait for you to enjoy our carefully thought through and custom built UI. Crafted to make you go: dooooooooood…

Pixels in Space game demo

Expansions (additional collections)

Through this new universe approach, we will launch expansion packs — aka collections that live within the Pixels in Space universe.

It is currently planned that each new collection will include a minimum of 1 free mint (just pay gas) for all Pixel Doods holders, and will also be available for public purchase for a small ETH fee + gas.

The intention of the additional collections is to create and facilitate an ecosystem that allows the continuous supply of rewards to be added into the in-game item shop. For the rollout of each new expansion (collection), the team will purchase NFTs for the item shop at different milestones.

Our intended plan is as follows:

  • At 25% minted, 2 ETH worth of NFTs will be purchased for the in-game shop.
  • At 50% minted, we will raffle off a NFT worth 5 ETH (at the time of purchase) to a random holder of the expansion collection.
  • At 75% minted, we will raffle off a NFT worth 10 ETH (at the time of purchase) to a random holder of the expansion collection.
  • At 100% minted and SOLD OUT, a blue-chip NFT will be purchased and added to the in-game shop.
  • Depending on the market sentiment at the time of minting, we may purchase 1 blue chip worth 30 ETH in value, or multiple blue-chips worth 30 ETH in value, total.

**this is subject to change based on the success of the Pixel Pengs minting process. The above herein, is contingent on the 100% minting out of the expansion collection project. The team reserves full rights to adjust in accordance with the outcome of the Pixel Pengs mint**

Beyond the launch of these expansion packs as Pixels in Space grows both as a product and a brand, development and expansion of the universe will also continue. A 2D virtual multiplayer game is already in development, and will be launched (after community beta testing), which will in turn act as our in-game hub to hang out with your fellow community members, access game missions, check leaderboards, or just to chat and catch up with your friends.

We can’t wait to get all of these things into your pixelated hands.

Bringing it all together:

If you made it this far then a huge thank you for your attention. If you skipped to the end, then here’s the TLDR.

  • The last 10 weeks have been wild. THANK YOU.
  • We’ve reinvested 100ETH back into community giveaways: you deserve it.
  • We’re building an umbrella brand AND accompanying game universe: Pixels in Space.
  • Our game is launching before the end of April — teasers are above.
  • We’ve got more in the works: expansion collections & follow-up games.

Aaaaand a quick visual:

We hope you’re all as excited as we are, doods. See you all in space 🚀🚀🚀

Fresh, new branding

The Pixels in Space Team (https://pixelsinspace.io)



Pixels in Space

Pixel Doods! 8,888 digitally-drawn and randomly generated doods living on the Ethereum blockchain.